About Kindred Coaches
Kindred Coaches™ is a diverse and inclusive volunteer community of translators, justice warriors, guides, and guardian angels. Kindred Coaches™ are trained peer coaches who engage the Baltimore and surrounding communities in ‘courageous conversations’ to uncover YOUR personal potential. You CAN outperform your personal health history and family’s health legacy. This means less depression, less stress, better sustained and controlled blood pressure and diabetes. It means better overall wellness and more emotional and spiritual self–care.
Kindred Coaches™ support development of mindsets and tools which inspire, enable and entitle individuals to expand their thinking; to trust and develop skills to be an equal partner in managing personal health and the health of your family in an increasingly dynamic unpredictable health care environment.
Kindred Coaches™ will help you develop a more active role in your relationship with your health care provider and the health care system through self–reflection and hard/courageous conversations with yourself and your health care provider. Kindred Coaches™ work to achieve health equity and reduce health care disparities.
Kindred Coaches comprises three elements:
- traditional peer wellness coaching skills (centered in conversations3),
- innovative self-advocacy skills developed for vulnerable patients of color,
- clinical modules on depression, stress, hypertension, diabetes, nutrition and obesity.
All elements embrace the role of spirituality in healing.
What is Kindred Coaches?
Kindred Coaches is a social justice health equity program that combines peer-coaching ministry to reduce healthcare disparities in communities of color. Health equity means that everyone has a fair and just opportunity to be healthy.
Over the past year, COVID-19 has increased awareness about structural racism in healthcare and many other areas of life. Through scholarly presentations and discussion, Kindred Coaches learn the impact of racism and unconscious bias on communities of color and healthcare disparities. Kindred Coaches discover and practice coaching strategies to improve engagement, adherence, clinical outcomes and dignity for at risk vulnerable individuals.